Koranic Intertextuality in Contemporary Poetry of Iraq
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
Ali Salimi
Abdolsaheb Tahmasbi
1 - Associate Prof. Department of Arabic Language, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
2 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Arabic Language, Razi University,Kermanshah,Iran
Keywords: الشعر العراقی المعاصر, التناص الشکلی, التّناصّ القرآنی, نقد التناص, التناص الإشاری, التناص الامتصاصی, koranic intertextuality, intertextuality reviews, contemporary poetry of Iraq, conceptual intertextuality, referential intertextuality,
Abstract :
The Arab poetry has adorned different types of intertextuality which include: mythical, historical, and religious ones. Abundant use of this phenomenon, especially what is called koranic intertextuality, led to the review of this phenomenon. For this means one must identify the strengths and weaknesses imposing a framework for it. Considering the interaction of poet with the holy Koran intertextuality is divided in to several types such as : total and partial intertextuality , referential intertextuality and conceptual intertextuality. Some of these give abeautiful forms to the poetry and some are ugly and unacceptable, because they do not preserve dignity of Koran.It should be noted that the overall shape and detailed koranic intertextuality is more susceptible to error, while the conceptual and referential formsare less affected by slips. This research criticizes and studies koranic intertextuality in modern poetry of Iraq.
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