The Role of Place in the Poetic Design of Mozaffar Navvab
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
1 - أستاذ مساعد فی اللغة العربیة وآدابها بجامعة بیام نور، إیران
Keywords: Iraq, الشعر المعاصر, العراق, contemporary poem, مظفر النوّاب, المکان الشعری, MozaffarNavvab, poetic place,
Abstract :
Poetic location (place) is of the main elements in the poetic design of Mozaffar Navvab, the contemporary Iraqi poet. He spent most of his life in exile away from home in countries such as Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Sudan, Algeria, Greece and France as he was struggling against dictatorship by poems and defending the oppressed. Therefore, his poems are enriched with places and implications of the locations. The research intends to analyze the role of dimensions and places in MozaffarNavvab poems. This descriptive-analytical study concludes that the locations in Mozaffar Navvab poems are not limited to Iraq; rather, they embrace Arabic, western and Iranian areas. He passed beyond geometrical and geographical dimensions of the location in his poems and assigned them new roles and connotations of political, religious, social, mental, historical, national, natural and aesthetics. Once he complains about deportation and homesickness, a psychological role is assigned to the place; and the national role of the place is manifested through expressing passion, love and dream of returning to home. Negative and positive social characteristics, accent, and scientific groups give the social role to the location. Political prisoning, the issue of oil and Arab politicians, as well as Palestine make the political role of location appears. Calling for historical and religious locations and characters leads to the religious and political character for the location. The aesthetics role of the location is manifested through nature; further, the symbolic and mythical role of the location is appeared in places like dessert, mountains, and tomb.
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