The Analysis of Art and Character of the Obscure Poet Elias Farhat
Subject Areas : Literary criticismHassan Majidi 1 , Ensiye Sakkaki 2
1 - Assistant Professor,Tarbiat Moallem University of Sabzevar
2 - Postgraduate Student of Arabic Literature and Language, Tarbiat Moallem University of Sabzevar
Keywords: Migration, لبنان, إلیاس فرحات, الهجرة, الأدب القدیم, القصص الشعریة, Lebanon, Elias Farhat, classical literature, verse stories,
Abstract :
During the end of nineteenth and the beginning of twentieth century the great majority of people from Arabic lands specifically Lebanon and Syria migrated to the American continent and settled down in Canada ,Brazil, Argentina ,and Mexico. These folk migrations were mostly an escape from economical, social, and intellectual crisis which dominated the Arab society. Among these immigrants, there existed some literary men and poets who transmitted their literary heritage to the newly moved lands. Being known as an obscure poet they created a species of literature which was profoundly affected by the catastrophic milieu of people from Palestine. The shadow of the classical Arab poets falls so immensely upon the character and poetic style of Ferhat that he fails to emancipate himself from it. The verse stories of Ferhat are vivid portrayals of various facets of his own era and reflect his personal experiences in an ample scope.
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