A Reading of the Ode “Identity Card” Qasida ( Ode) in the Light of Linguistic Approach
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
1 - أستاذ مساعد بجامعة میریلاند، کولیج بارک، الولایات المتحدة الأمریکیة
Keywords: structure, محمود درویش, Linguistics, Text Linguistics, نحو النص, لسانیات, بنیة, Mahmoud Darwish,
Abstract :
Text linguistics is a modern term referring to the study of linguistic elements of texts. In fact, it is a kind of analysis consisting of various methods and is characterized by its investigation into linguistic elements that are beyond the sentence level as well as the relationship among embedded elements of sentences. The present article attempts at exploring text linguistics. Then, it moves on to tap into this field of science in order to have a certain reading of Mahmoud Darwish’s “Identity Card”. Thus, the article first discusses the concept of text linguistics and the way it has been formed, and then goes on to explore its goals, duties, and linguistic elements. Then, it applies text linguistics in practice and on two bases on the ode“Identity Card”; the first basis is interpreting intra-textual coherence based on linguistic contexts and the other is interpreting such a coherence based on non-linguistic elements. The present study reveals that Darwish’s ode enjoys a cohesive and coherent framework and that its components are sequentially linked and intertwined with one another. In addition, techniques utilized in the text are thoroughly in line with the fulfillment of its goals. Therefore, the six stages of ode, which are known as the overall foundations, are completely coherent. Additionally, after breaking each of the overall foundations into smaller parts, we can see that the poet has tapped into a variety of linguistic techniques to improve the text development. Furthermore, linguistic data, such as references, omission, transition, and repetition are vividly seen in the text, which further add to Mahmoud Darwish’s poetic competency. This study also argues that the component textural elements of the ode “Identity Card” are properly inter-related and coherent, resulting in the overall unity of the ode. This unity is based on a coherent thought starting with the title, followed by the introduction, and body and ending in the conclusion, encouraging the reader to keep reading the text.
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