Another Kurdish Artist in abd-Alwahhab Albayati's Poetry: “A Study Based on Image Recognition in Comparative Literature”
Subject Areas : Literary criticismMohammad Hadi Moradi 1 , Kaveh Khezri 2
1 - Assistant Prof., Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabaiee University
2 - PhD student of Arabic Language and Literature, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modarres University
Keywords: comparative literature, علم الصورة, الأدب المقارن, عبدالوهاب البیاتی, آخر الفنان الکردی, Image recognition, Abd- Alwahhab Albayati, another Kurdish artist,
Abstract :
Image recognition is a branch of comparative literature studying the image of foreign other in a literary text. This science is a proper context to differentiate human beings from each other and by this recognition, common essence of humanity is revealed and a gate is opened to brotherhood world that brings together "I" with the other . Therefore, comparative researches that evaluate our relation with others are very important. Albayati is one of the biggest contemporary Arab poets most of whose odes have been dedicated to investigating the other's image. Meanwhile, he composed three odes in description of three Kurdish artists: Abd-allah Gooran, Yashar Kamal and Aylmaz Güney. Arabic" I" in Albayati's poem has drawn a system of relations with other Kurdish artist. The present paper tries to investigate Albayati's image of other Kurdish artist using descriptive- analytical method ,based on comparative criticism. Results of the paper suggest that the poet has shown image of other Kurdish artist neglectfully. This kind of reading the other is one of the most beautiful possible methods and a unique true way of recognizing the other.
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