Transformation of the role of education of the Masnavi,s form in the poem of Revolution
Subject Areas : Research Allegory in Persian Language and Literature
Seyed Ahmad Hosseini Kazerouni
Mohammad Reza Kamali Baniani
1 - Professor of Islamic Azad Uuniversity, Bushehr Branch
2 - Scientific Board member of Islamic Azad University, Izeh Branch
Abstract :
Although the poetry of revolution primarily known for the poetry of classical and modern form has moved to the new space and a theme created their own different backgrounds rooted. Look into the human world and the realm of ideas and religious themes can be seen as in the poetry of revolution that has Never to this breadth and depth of the poems before the Revolution, and even the distant history of our literature.Elements of value, moral, educational links with history, allegorical and historical compliance and respect even outside the geographical boundaries of the revolutionaries are the most radical elements in the modernization.Modernist revolution in poetry and then change the language and interpretation of themes and ideas have recently been keeping templates. Sense of continuity and consistency in the format of the old order has recently. Ideological foundations of revolution, in terms of prevailing popular religious culture, and it would lead to many innovations in the realm of self-expression and communication of the words.