The Nature of literary Proverbs (Examining the Allegorical Treatise on the Reality of Sohrevardis Love)
Subject Areas : Research Allegory in Persian Language and Literature
1 - Assistant Professor of Literature, Farhangian University
Abstract :
This article tries to examin and analyze various allegory in Persian literature and in the paper of In Reality of iove sohrevardi. It is worth mentioning that they are compatible with each other and existential temperament.That is, in analytical and comparative thought, the above philosophical treatise on Persian literature is controversial. There is a kind of linguistic, empathetic and intellectual harmony between literary and Philosophical Lliterature as well as sohrevardi.This article deals witg the category of allegory in the paper of In Reality of love. It also examines the tree themes of love,Goodness or Beauty, and Grief.To Sohrevardi love belongs to goodness and beauty On the earth, as Goodness comes whith Zoleikha, Grief comes with Jacobe. It has been said that the speaker expresses his intention in a mysterious and closed way.