The relationship of love and belief in vilayat-e-faqih with psychological well-being, psychological distress, anxiety and depression during the Corona pandemic among the general population of Iran
Subject Areas : Psychology
1 - Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education and Psycholoyg, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Depression, anxiety, Corona, general population, vilayat-e-faqih, psychological distress, psychological well-being,
Abstract :
The main purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between love and belief in vilayat-e-faqih with psychological well-being, psychological distress, anxiety and depression during the Corona pandemic. The statistical population included all Iranian people in the age range of 18 to 65 years, and finally, 847 volunteers from the general population of the country who were randomly selected were included in the study and completed questionnaires of Love and Belief in the leader (Hosseini, 2022) the Mental Health Scale (Besharat, 2009), the Patient Health Questionnaire (Kroenke & et al., 2001) and the General Anxiety Questionnaire (Spitzer & et al., 2006). To analyze the data, Spearman's correlation coefficient was used with the help of SPSS version 26. The results of the research showed that love and belief in vilayat-e-faqih had a negative and significant relationship with anxiety, depression and psychological distress. Also, the relationship between love and belief in vilayat-e-faqih and psychological well-being was positive and significant. Considering the high and deep effects of vilayat-e-faqih on people's psychological life and beneficial effects which can increase psychological well-being, it is necessary to pay more attention to this variable in psychological researches and to use its effects and blessings as a component to improve mental health and prevent mental problems in educational programs and interventions.
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