Evaluation of The Social Sciences Textbook of the First Grade of Guidance School: in terms of following the acceptable criteria and standards
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planning
Najmeh Ghaemi
Vida Fllahi
Abbas Gholtash
1 - 1کارشناس ارشد برنامه ریزی درسی، واحد مرودشت، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، مرودشت، ایران
2 - 2ستادیار گروه علوم تربیتی، واحد مرودشت، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، مرودشت، ایران
3 - 3ستادیار گروه علوم تربیتی، واحد مرودشت، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، مرودشت، ایران
Keywords: Acceptable Criteria of the Textbook, Curriculum Evaluation, Social Sciences Studies,
Abstract :
Based on the view points of the teachers about the criteria and standards of ideal textbooks, the present study was conducted in order to evaluate the social sciences textbook of the first grade of the guidance school. 120 social sciences teachers of the first grade of the junior high school in Kerman city were selected as the statistical population. The sample size once using census was equal to the population. finally 105 of the teachers completed the questionnaire.Data collecting instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire which was designed based on the 20-fold criteria of an ideal textbook. To verify the reliability, Cronbach' alpha was used (91%). To analyze the data as well as to rank the criteria, one sample t-test and non-parametric ranking test were applied. What this research focused on was finding to some extent the textbooks were consistent with intended purposes, lesson plans, and psychology of learning as well as ranking the criteria.According to the findings, there was a full consistency between the context of the social sciences books and intended educational purposes whereas, lesson planning and psychology of learning were to some extent consistent with the curriculum aims. From the teachers' point of view, amongst the criteria "relevance of the presented contents with everyday life “was the most perceived one and “providing the opportunities for extracurricular activities out of class” was the least perceived criterion.
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