Investigating the Implementation Barriers of the Fundamental Evolution Education Document Based on the Fullan Model:Case study of the field of aesthetic and artistic education
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planning
Fatemeh Sadat Bitarafan
Marjan Sojoodi
marziye dehghani
1 - Phd student Curriculum Department, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Phd student Curriculum Department, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor of Curriculum Department, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: which, The main purpose of this study is to identify the administrative barriers in the field of aesthetic and artistic education of the Fundamental Evolution Document in education, consequently, contributes to the inefficiency of the Fundamental Evolution Document in the implementation phase, on the learning of learners and even their educators.This research project is the "combined" type (simultaneous test). The study population included two independent groups of curriculum and education specialists (in the qualitative section) as well a, in addition to other existing administrative barriers, 1987) method. The results of the study confirm the gap between the designers of the Evolution Document and its implementers in schools, despite the tremendous impact it can have on morale and, based on the Fullan model (2007). The field of artistic education has been forgotten and neglected,
Abstract :
The main purpose of this study is to identify the administrative barriers in the field of aesthetic and artistic education of the Fundamental Evolution Document in education, based on the Fullan model (2007). The field of artistic education has been forgotten and neglected, despite the tremendous impact it can have on morale and, consequently, on the learning of learners and even their educators.This research project is the "combined" type (simultaneous test). The study population included two independent groups of curriculum and education specialists (in the qualitative section) as well as primary school teachers (in the quantitative section). The sample size includes 12 curriculum and education specialists and 120 primary school teachers .The sampling method in the first part (qualitative) is theoretical and purposeful method and its tools include semi-constructed and unstructured interview and in the second part (quantitative) it is "purposeful and preferable" and the research tool includes a 30 questions researcher-made questionnaire. Quantitative data analysis involves the Wilcoxon single-sample and Friedman tests to rank the Barriers to the implementation of the Fundamental Evolution Document based on the components of the Fullen model. Qualitative data analysis was also performed using the seven-step )Colaizzi, 1987) method. The results of the study confirm the gap between the designers of the Evolution Document and its implementers in schools, which, in addition to other existing administrative barriers,contributes to the inefficiency of the Fundamental Evolution Document in the implementation phase.
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