Designing a model of effective factors on creative activities of students first grade of high school in Mathematics lesson’
Subject Areas : Research in Curriculum Planning
Amir hossein Dashteh
Mohammad Nourian
Morteza Samiei Zafarghandi
1 - PhD. Student in curriculum planning, Islamic Azad University, Tehran South Branch, Iran
2 - - Associate professor, group of educational sciences and psychology, Islamic Azad University, Tehran South Branch, Iran
3 - - Associate professor, group of educational sciences and psychology, educational center for studies of education system, Tehran-Iran
Keywords: creative activities, Mathematical creativity, Designing a model,
Abstract :
The aim this study is designing a model of effective factors on creative activities of students first grade of high school in mathematics lesson. The present study is of qualitative type and its method is synthetic research. The resources available in research projects, articles, dissertations in specialized and scientific databases inside(from 1388 to1399) and outside the country (from 2000 to 2020). Were used for this purpose and to review the research background and collect data in a manner appropriate to the purpose of the research. Vocabulary used included mathematical creativity, and creative activities. Based on the inclusion criteria, 82 studies were identified and then according to the exclusion criteria, 44 studies were excluded and finally 38 studies were selected for the final analysis. Based on the findings of data analysis, 5 themes and 21 categories were extracted, which are: Teacher with 5 categories, curriculum and education with 4 categories, social and cultural environment with 3 categories, inclusive with 5 categories and performance environment with 4 categories. Policy makers of educational systems can use the designed model to take appropriate measures and programs to adopt mathematical creativity for students.
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