Detection of the changes in the cultivated area of pistachio orchards from the point of view of land management from 1987 to 2020 using remote sensing, a case study of Rafsanjan, Sirjan, and Anar Counties.
Subject Areas : Agriculture, rangeland, watershed and forestry
Ahmad Mazidi
Alireza Baniasadi
1 - Associate of Yazd University
2 - Kerman Province Management and Planning Organization
Keywords: detection changes, Pistachio, cultivated area, Kerman province, remote sensing,
Abstract :
The purpose of the study was to investigate the changes in pistachio cultivation in the three districts of Rafsenjan, Anar, and sirjan from the spatial planning perspective between 1987 and 2020. To achieve this goal, the Google Earth Engine system was used. And the radiometric and atmospheric images of the TM 5 Landsat and OLI Landsat 8 were used. Two conditions were used to separate pistachio gardens and other agricultural lands. The land with ndvi is equal to or higher 0.2 and lower elevation from 2000 m as pistachio garden and the land with ndvi is equal to or higher 0.2 and height of over 2000 meters were identified as other garden and agricultural land. By applying the conditions mentioned in the classification of the decision tree, the area of pistachio gardens and other agricultural lands of Anar, Rafsanjan and Sirjan were obtained over a 36 -year period. A review of the changes in the cultivation of pistachio gardens in all three counties showed that the development of agricultural orchards in the area under study and during the period (1987-2020) has been an increasing trend. This increase was 57.4 percent for Rafsanjan County, 55 % for Sirjan County, and about 37.3 percent for Anar County. The amount of cultivation of pistachio gardens in Rafsanjan County, in 1987 was 38,667 hectares, which increased to 69,704 hectares in 2020. In other words, about 31,000 hectares, equivalent to 55.4 percent of pistachio gardens in the above county, have increased. The trend line of land surface vegetation changes was obtained by using Modis satellite images. Modis' satellite images were available from 2000 to 2020 for all three counties. The time series graphs of the above images confirmed the increase in pistachio orchards in all three counties