Comparison of the classification methods in software development effort estimation
Subject Areas : Multimedia Processing, Communications Systems, Intelligent Systems
Sadegh Ansaripour
Taghi Javdani Gandomani
1 - Aghigh University
2 - Faculty Member,, Shahrekord University
Keywords: Data mining, Machine Learning, Software effort estimation, Software engineering, Classification,
Abstract :
Introduction: The main goal of software companies is to provide solutions in various fields to better meet the needs of customers. The process of successful modeling depends on finding the right and accurate requirements. However, the key to successful development for adapting and integrating different developed parts is the importance of selecting and prioritizing the requirements that will advance the workflow and ultimately lead to the creation of a quality product. Validation is the key part of the work, which includes techniques that confirm the accuracy of a set of requirements for building a solution that leads to the project's business objectives. Requirements change during the project, and managing these changes is important to ensure the accuracy of the software built for stakeholders. In this research, we will discuss the process of checking and validating the software requirements.Method: Requirement extraction is conducted by means of discovery, review, documentation, and understanding of user needs and limitations of a system. The results are presented in the form of products such as text requirements descriptions, use cases, processing diagrams, and user interface prototypes.Findings: Data mining and recommender systems can be used to increase the necessary needs, however, another method. of social networks and joint filtering can be used to create requirements for large projects to identify needs.Discussion: In the area of product development, requirements engineering approaches focus exclusively on requirement development. There are challenges in the development process due to the existence of human resources. If the challenges are not seen well at this stage, it will be extremely expensive after the software production. Therefore, in this regard, errors should be minimized and they should be identified and corrected as soon as possible. Now, with the investigations carried out, one of the key issues in the field of requirements is the discussion of validation, which first confirms that the requirements are able to be implemented in a set of characteristics according to the system description, and secondly, a set of essential characteristics. such as complete, consistent, according to standard criteria, non-contradiction of requirements, absence of technical errors, and lack of ambiguity in requirements. In fact, the purpose of validation is to ensure the result that a sustainable and renewable product is created according to the requirements.
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