Detection of Accelerated Osteointegration in Surface Modified Dental Implants with Sensor Nodes Located in Wireless Network of Body Areas
Subject Areas : Multimedia Processing, Communications Systems, Intelligent Systems
1 - Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering, Technical and Engineering Faculty, Apadana Institute of Higher Education, Shiraz, Iran
Keywords: newsurfacemodifications .sensory nodes.wireless network body area, Osseointegration, periimplantitis,
Abstract :
Introduction: Intraosseoues Dental implants are widely used in the field of oral restoration. Endosseous dental implants have been well accepted for replacing missing teeth in today’s dental practice. The success of dental implant therapy is essentially based on the process of osseointegration. These success rates depends on the mechanical,structural and surfaces properties in contact with the jaw bone and timely identification of osseointegration process. In zirconia implants,the combined surface modification of femtosecond laser and bioceramic coatings is important to accelerateosteointegration.The major challenge for contemporary dental implantologists is to provide oral rehabilitation to patients with healthy bone conditions asking for rapid loading protocols or to patients with quantitatively or qualitatively compromised bone. These charging conditions require advances in implant surface design.The elucidation of bone healing physiology has driven investigators to engineer implant surfaces that closely mimic natural bone characteristics.The type of surface modification has a great effect on uniting the implant with the jawbone. But still many problems such as osseointegration defect and infection adjacent to the implant lead to their failure in clinical applications This paper provides a comprehensive overview of surface modifications that beneficially alter the topography, hydrophilicity, and outer coating of dental implants in order to enhance osseointegration in healthy as well as in compromised bone.Method: It is important to use effective surface modification methods and apply appropriate coatings in order to create successful osseointegration and preventing bacteria from adhesion. Results: Byreducing periimplantitis and accelerating osseointegration, it will lead to improved repair and clinical success. The review gives an insight of the various surface modifications and designs that can be successfully applied on dental implants so that a greater level of osseointegration can be achieved.Discussion: Major advancements have been made in order to develop implants with innovative surface topography and design. These modifications have greatly influenced the rate and degree of osseointegration. Therefore, the purpose of this review article was study new methods of surface modification for detecting of accelerating osteointegration by sensory nodes that located in wireless body area network, reducing the periimplantitis and aims to comprehensively discuss currently available implant surface modifications commonly used in implantology in terms of their impact on osseointegration and biofilm formation,which is critical for clinicians to choose the most suitable materials to improve the success and survival of implantation and Follow-up of patients at any time without the use of X-rays with sensory nodes that located in body area wireless network. .
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