Green synthesis of zinc nanoparticles and investigation of changes in some biochemical parameters of blood and its effect on wound healing caused by burns in laboratory Wistar male rats
Subject Areas :Zahra Sinaee pour Fard 1 , Nooshin Naghsh 2 , Nasrin Yazdanpanahi 3 , Gholam Reza Amiri 4
1 - Department of Biology, Falavarjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Falavarjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
3 - Department of Biotechnology, Falavarjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan,Iran
4 - Department of Physic, Falavarjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: liver enzymes, wound repair, green zinc nanoparticles,
Abstract :
Introduction & Objective: Currently, zinc and its compounds are used as a suitable material for the treatment of infection in burns, open wounds and chronic wounds. This investigation, was designed and carried out with the aim the local effect of green zinc nanoparticles on blood biochemical parameters and skin tissue repair during wound healing in laboratory rat. Materials and methods: In this experimental study, 42 male Wistar rats were divided into 7 groups of 6. Then, by creating a 2 cm burn on the back of the rats, treatment was immediately performed with zinc nanoparticles ointment (1%, 4%, 16%) and zinc oxide ointment and pure Vaseline for 21 days. After sampling from the percentage of wound repair in the skin of rats was calculated. Similarly, blood sampling was done from the hearts of rats and serum was used to check biochemical parameters. Results: The percentage of wound healing in the 4% ointment group and zinc oxide ointment was significantly higher than the control group. In addition, all the concentrations of ointment were safe in terms of their effect on liver enzymes. Conclution: The results of investigation showed that the ointment of 4% zinc nanoparticles was the best treatment group, which accelerated the repair of skin wounds. Based on the results of the present experimental study, probably the ointment produced by the identified green nanoparticles could be suggested as a strong repair agent in skin lesions naturally.
- Nagati V, Koyyati R, Donda MR, Alwala J, Kundle KR, Padigya PR. Green Synthesis and characterization of Silver nanoparticles from Cajanus cajan leaf extract and its antibacterial activity. Int J Nanomater Biostruc. 2012; 2(3): 39-43.
2. Atta AM, Al-Lohedan HA, Ezzat AO. Synthesis of silver nanoparticles by green method stabilized to synthetic human stomach fluid. Molecules. 2014;19(5):6737-53.3. Poovizhi J, Krishnaveni B. Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesized from calotropis procera. Int J Pharmaceut Sci Drug Res. 2015; 7(5): 425-431.4. Karimi J, Mohsenzadeh S. Plant synthesis of silver nanoparticles by Achilleawilhelmsii Pharmaceutical plant. Razi Journal of Medical Sciences. 2013; 20(111): 64-9.
- Supraja S, Mohammed AS, Chakravarthy N, Jayaprakash PA, Elumalai S, Kalimuthu K, et al. Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from Cynodon Dactylon leaf extract. Int J Chem Tech Res. 2013; 5(1):271-7.
6. Ramesh P, Rajendran A, Meenakshisundaram M. Green syntheis of zinc oxide nanoparticles using flower extract cassia auriculata. J NanoSci NanoTechnol. 2014; 2(1): 41-5.
7. Jamdagni P, Khatri P, Rana JS. Nanoparticles based DNA conjugates for detection of pathogenic microorganisms. Int Nano Lett. 2016; 6(3):139-46.
8. Ahmed S, Ahmad M, Swami BL, Ikram S. A review on plants extract mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles for antimicrobial applications: a green expertise. J Adv Res. 2016; 7(1):17-28.
9. Handy RD, von der Kammer F, Lead JR, Hassellöv M, Owen R, Crane M. The ecotoxicology and chemistry of manufactured nanoparticles. Ecotoxicology. 2008;17(4):287-314.
- Choi, O., Deng, K.K., Kim, N.J., Ross, N.J., Jr, L., Surampalli, R.Y., Hu, Z. The inhibitory effects of silver nanoparticles, silver ions, and silver chloride colloids on microbial growth, Water Res. (2008) 42, 3066–3074.
- Christ-Crain M, Meier CPuder J, Staub J, Huber P ,Keller U. Changes in liver function correlate with the improvement of lipid profile after restoration of euthyroidism in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism. Excli J. 2004; 3: 9.
- Panyam J, Labhasetwar V. Biodegradable nanoparticles for drug and genedelivery to cells and tissue. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2003; 55: 329-47.
- Arora S, Jain J, Rajwade JM, Paknikar KM. Interactions of silver nanoparticles with primary mouse fibroblasts and liver cells. Toxicol Appl pharmacol, 2009; 236: 310-8.
- Rastogi ID. Nanotechnology: safety paradigms J Toxi- col Environ Health. 2012; 4: 1-12.
- Susan WP, Williw GM, Maaike VJ. Nanosilver- a review of avelable data and knowledge gaps in human and environmental risk assessment. Nanotoxicol. 2009; 3: 109-38.
- Portney NG, Ozkan M. Nano-oncology: drug delivery, imaging, and sensing. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2006; 384: 620-30.
- Hussain SM, Hess KL, Gearhart JM, Geiss KT, Schlager JJ. In vitro toxicity of nanoparticles in BRL 3A rat liver cells. Toxicol In Vitro 2005; 19: 975-83.
- Heikal TM, Ghanem HZ. and Soliman, MS. Protective effect of green tea extracts against Dimethoate induced DNA damage.
and oxidant/antioxidant status in male rats. Biol Health Sci. Bulletin 2011; 3: 1-11.
- Parivar K, Yaghmaie P, Hayati Roodbari N, Mohammadi Mohaghegh P. Effect of synchronized oral administration and topical application kombucha on third-degree burn wounds regeneration in mature rats. Medical Sciences 2012; 22: 1-11.
- Hala M. G., Mahfouz M. H. (2008). Biochemical Alterations Of Amino Acids, Neurotransmitters And Hepatic Functions After Thermal Injury In Rats. Egyptian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2008; 26 (2): 13-28.
- Jeschke MG, Low JF, Spies M, et al. Cell proliferation, apoptosis, NF-kappaB expression, enzyme, protein, and weight changes in livers of burned rats. Am. J. hysiol.Gastrointest.Liver. Physiol 2001; 280: 1314–1320.
- Jeschke MG, Low JF, Spies M, Vita R, Hawkins HK, Herndon DN, Barrow RE. Cell proliferation, apoptosis, NF-kappaB expression, enzyme, protein, andweight changes in livers of burned rats. Am. J. Physiol.Gastrointest.Liver.Physiol 2001; 280: G1314 -G1320.
- Moshage H. Cytokines and the hepatic acute phase response. J.Pathol 1997; 181: 257-266.
- Liao CC, Rossignol AM. Landmarks in burn prevention. Burns 2000; 26(5): 422-434.
- Cano N, Gerolami A. Intrahepatic cholestasis during total parenteral nutrition. Lancet. 1983; 1: 985.
- Burns Fact sheet N°365. WHO. April 2014. Archived from the original on 2015; 11: 10.
- Wallace A. B.. The Treatment of Burns. Lord Horder. Oxford University Press 1941.
- Moss DW, Henderson R. Clinical enzymology. In: Burtis CA‚ Ashwood ER. Eds. Tietz textbook of clinical chemistry 3th ed. Philadelphia:W.B Saunders Company 1999; 617-712.
- Kwon JT, Hwang SK.. Minai-Tehrani A. Body distribution of inhaled fluorescent magnetic nanoparticles in the mice. J Occup Health 2008; 50; 1-6.
- Batra N, Nehru B, Bansal MP. Influence of lead and zinc on rat male reproduction at biochemical and histopathological levels. J Appl Toxicol 2002; 1(6): 507-512.
- Lockman PR, Oyewumi MO, Koziara JM, Roder KE, Mumper RJ, Allen DD. Brain uptake of thiamine-coated nanoparticles. J Control Release 2003; 93(3): 271-282.
- Jani P, Halbert GW, Langridge J, Florence AT.. Pharm J. Pharmacol 1990; 42: 821-826.
- Chiang HM, Xia Q, Zou X, Wang C, Wang S, Miller BJ, Howard PC, Yin JJ, Beland FA, Yu H, Fu PP. Nanoscale ZnO induces cytotoxicity and DNA damage in human cell lines and rat primary neuronal cells. J Nanosci Nanotechnol 2012; 12(3): 2126-2135.
- Wang B, Feng W, Wang M, Wang T, Gu Y, Zhu M, Ouyang H, Shi J, Zhang F, Zhao Y. Acute toxicological impact of nano- and submicro-scaled zinc oxide powder on healthy adult mice. J Nanopart Res 2008;10: 263-276.
- Joh DY, Kinder J, Herman LH, Ju S. Single-walled carbon nanotubes as excitonic optical wires. Nat Nanotecho 2011; l6: 51-56.
- Cross SE, Innes B, Roberts MS, Tsuzuki T. Robertson TA, McCormick P. Human skin penetration of sunscreen nanoparticles: in-vitro assessment of a novel micronized zinc oxide formulation. Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2007; 20: 148-54.
- Gamer A, Leibold E, van Ravenzwaay B. (2006). The in vitro absorption of microfine zinc oxideand titanium dioxide through porcin skin. Toxicol In Vitro (2006); 20: 301–307.
- Park YH, Kim JN, Jeong SH, Choi JE, Lee SH, Choi BH, et al. Assessment of dermal toxicity of nanosilica using cultured keratinocytes, a human skin equivalent model and an in vivo model. Toxicology 2010; 267: 17.
- Nagati V, Koyyati R, Donda MR, Alwala J, Kundle KR, Padigya PR. Green Synthesis and characterization of Silver nanoparticles from Cajanus cajan leaf extract and its antibacterial activity. Int J Nanomater Biostruc. 2012; 2(3): 39-43.
2. Atta AM, Al-Lohedan HA, Ezzat AO. Synthesis of silver nanoparticles by green method stabilized to synthetic human stomach fluid. Molecules. 2014;19(5):6737-53.3. Poovizhi J, Krishnaveni B. Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesized from calotropis procera. Int J Pharmaceut Sci Drug Res. 2015; 7(5): 425-431.4. Karimi J, Mohsenzadeh S. Plant synthesis of silver nanoparticles by Achilleawilhelmsii Pharmaceutical plant. Razi Journal of Medical Sciences. 2013; 20(111): 64-9.
- Supraja S, Mohammed AS, Chakravarthy N, Jayaprakash PA, Elumalai S, Kalimuthu K, et al. Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from Cynodon Dactylon leaf extract. Int J Chem Tech Res. 2013; 5(1):271-7.
6. Ramesh P, Rajendran A, Meenakshisundaram M. Green syntheis of zinc oxide nanoparticles using flower extract cassia auriculata. J NanoSci NanoTechnol. 2014; 2(1): 41-5.7. Jamdagni P, Khatri P, Rana JS. Nanoparticles based DNA conjugates for detection of pathogenic microorganisms. Int Nano Lett. 2016; 6(3):139-46.
- Ahmed S, Ahmad M, Swami BL, Ikram S. A review on plants extract mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles for antimicrobial applications: a green expertise. J Adv Res. 2016; 7(1):17-28.
9. Handy RD, von der Kammer F, Lead JR, Hassellöv M, Owen R, Crane M. The ecotoxicology and chemistry of manufactured nanoparticles. Ecotoxicology. 2008;17(4):287-314.
- Choi, O., Deng, K.K., Kim, N.J., Ross, N.J., Jr, L., Surampalli, R.Y., Hu, Z. The inhibitory effects of silver nanoparticles, silver ions, and silver chloride colloids on microbial growth, Water Res. (2008) 42, 3066–3074.
- Christ-Crain M, Meier CPuder J, Staub J, Huber P ,Keller U. Changes in liver function correlate with the improvement of lipid profile after restoration of euthyroidism in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism. Excli J. 2004; 3: 9.
- Panyam J, Labhasetwar V. Biodegradable nanoparticles for drug and genedelivery to cells and tissue. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2003; 55: 329-47.
- Arora S, Jain J, Rajwade JM, Paknikar KM. Interactions of silver nanoparticles with primary mouse fibroblasts and liver cells. Toxicol Appl pharmacol, 2009; 236: 310-8.
- Rastogi ID. Nanotechnology: safety paradigms J Toxi- col Environ Health. 2012; 4: 1-12.
- Susan WP, Williw GM, Maaike VJ. Nanosilver- a review of avelable data and knowledge gaps in human and environmental risk assessment. Nanotoxicol. 2009; 3: 109-38.
- Portney NG, Ozkan M. Nano-oncology: drug delivery, imaging, and sensing. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2006; 384: 620-30.
- Hussain SM, Hess KL, Gearhart JM, Geiss KT, Schlager JJ. In vitro toxicity of nanoparticles in BRL 3A rat liver cells. Toxicol In Vitro 2005; 19: 975-83.
- Heikal TM, Ghanem HZ. and Soliman, MS. Protective effect of green tea extracts against Dimethoate induced DNA damage.
and oxidant/antioxidant status in male rats. Biol Health Sci. Bulletin 2011; 3: 1-11.
- Parivar K, Yaghmaie P, Hayati Roodbari N, Mohammadi Mohaghegh P. Effect of synchronized oral administration and topical application kombucha on third-degree burn wounds regeneration in mature rats. Medical Sciences 2012; 22: 1-11.
- Hala M. G., Mahfouz M. H. (2008). Biochemical Alterations Of Amino Acids, Neurotransmitters And Hepatic Functions After Thermal Injury In Rats. Egyptian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2008; 26 (2): 13-28.
- Jeschke MG, Low JF, Spies M, et al. Cell proliferation, apoptosis, NF-kappaB expression, enzyme, protein, and weight changes in livers of burned rats. Am. J. hysiol.Gastrointest.Liver. Physiol 2001; 280: 1314–1320.
- Jeschke MG, Low JF, Spies M, Vita R, Hawkins HK, Herndon DN, Barrow RE. Cell proliferation, apoptosis, NF-kappaB expression, enzyme, protein, andweight changes in livers of burned rats. Am. J. Physiol.Gastrointest.Liver.Physiol 2001; 280: G1314 -G1320.
- Moshage H. Cytokines and the hepatic acute phase response. J.Pathol 1997; 181: 257-266.
- Liao CC, Rossignol AM. Landmarks in burn prevention. Burns 2000; 26(5): 422-434.
- Cano N, Gerolami A. Intrahepatic cholestasis during total parenteral nutrition. Lancet. 1983; 1: 985.
- Burns Fact sheet N°365. WHO. April 2014. Archived from the original on 2015; 11: 10.
- Wallace A. B.. The Treatment of Burns. Lord Horder. Oxford University Press 1941.
- Moss DW, Henderson R. Clinical enzymology. In: Burtis CA‚ Ashwood ER. Eds. Tietz textbook of clinical chemistry 3th ed. Philadelphia:W.B Saunders Company 1999; 617-712.
- Kwon JT, Hwang SK.. Minai-Tehrani A. Body distribution of inhaled fluorescent magnetic nanoparticles in the mice. J Occup Health 2008; 50; 1-6.
- Batra N, Nehru B, Bansal MP. Influence of lead and zinc on rat male reproduction at biochemical and histopathological levels. J Appl Toxicol 2002; 1(6): 507-512.
- Lockman PR, Oyewumi MO, Koziara JM, Roder KE, Mumper RJ, Allen DD. Brain uptake of thiamine-coated nanoparticles. J Control Release 2003; 93(3): 271-282.
- Jani P, Halbert GW, Langridge J, Florence AT.. Pharm J. Pharmacol 1990; 42: 821-826.
- Chiang HM, Xia Q, Zou X, Wang C, Wang S, Miller BJ, Howard PC, Yin JJ, Beland FA, Yu H, Fu PP. Nanoscale ZnO induces cytotoxicity and DNA damage in human cell lines and rat primary neuronal cells. J Nanosci Nanotechnol 2012; 12(3): 2126-2135.
- Wang B, Feng W, Wang M, Wang T, Gu Y, Zhu M, Ouyang H, Shi J, Zhang F, Zhao Y. Acute toxicological impact of nano- and submicro-scaled zinc oxide powder on healthy adult mice. J Nanopart Res 2008;10: 263-276.
- Joh DY, Kinder J, Herman LH, Ju S. Single-walled carbon nanotubes as excitonic optical wires. Nat Nanotecho 2011; l6: 51-56.
- Cross SE, Innes B, Roberts MS, Tsuzuki T. Robertson TA, McCormick P. Human skin penetration of sunscreen nanoparticles: in-vitro assessment of a novel micronized zinc oxide formulation. Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2007; 20: 148-54.
- Gamer A, Leibold E, van Ravenzwaay B. (2006). The in vitro absorption of microfine zinc oxideand titanium dioxide through porcin skin. Toxicol In Vitro (2006); 20: 301–307.
- Park YH, Kim JN, Jeong SH, Choi JE, Lee SH, Choi BH, et al. Assessment of dermal toxicity of nanosilica using cultured keratinocytes, a human skin equivalent model and an in vivo model. Toxicology 2010; 267: 17.