Effect of low frequency electrical stimulation on CB2 receptors expression level in the dentate gyrus during perforant path kindling in rats
The effect of low frequency electrical stimulation on CB2 cannabinoid receptors expression in dentate gyrus
Subject Areas : Experimental physiology and pathology
Parastoo Mardani
Javad Mirnajafi zadeh
1 - Department of biology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, IRAN
2 - Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University
Keywords: Low-frequency stimulation, Cannabinoid receptor, Rat, Perforant path, Kindling,
Abstract :
Background & Aim: Application of Low-frequency stimulation (LFS), is accompanied with a decrease in hippocampal kindled-seizure induced changes rats and prevents propagation of seizure. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of the endocannabinoids receptors CB2 in the inhibitory effects of LFS on perforant path kindling- arose seizures. Materials & Methods: Rats Animals were kindled through electrical stimulation of perforant path and recorded responses in the dentate gyrus. Animals included of four groups kindled, Kindled+LFS (KLFS), LFS and control. Semi- rapid kindling procedure was used to induce seizures in animals. In group of KLFS, LFS (0.1 ms pulse duration at 1 Hz, 800 pulses) was applied five min after termination of kindling stimulations. At the end of the experiment, after fixing the animals by intracardiac perfusion method with 4% paraformaldehyde, the cerebral hemispheres were examined by Immunofluorescence. Results: Obtained results showed that LFS application in the LFS-treated group (KLFS) had significantly reduced seizures parameters. However, on basis immunofluorescent findings, no significant change in level of expression CB2 receptors was observed following LFS stimulations in the gyrus dentate of the KLFS group while it increased significantly compared to the kindling group. Conclusion: It is suggested that LFS does not interact with CB2 endocannabinoid receptors but in the pathological conditions of kindling, LFS may have an effect in suppressing seizures by increasing the expression level of CB2 endocannabinoid receptors to the normal expression level, although this increase in the expression level was not different from normal conditions.
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