The theory of social constructionism of Iraqi professional clubs
Subject Areas : Sports Management Studies
Aws Saad Hussein
Rasool Nazari
Naseer Qassem Khalaf
Rezvan Mirsafaei Rizi
1 - PhD student in Sports Management, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
2 - Department of sport management, sport science faculty, isfahan (khorasghan) branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
3 - Ph.D. of Psychosocial education sports Diyala University.
4 - Assistant professor, Department of Sport Sciences, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Bench, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: Professional Sports, Uncertainty, Foresight, drivers, clubs,
Abstract :
IntroductionConstructivism basically carries the term "make knowledge"; Constructivism is known by focusing on how the individual cognitively participates in the construction of knowledge from the perspective of social construction and acknowledges that knowledge and meaning are historically and culturally constructed through social processes and actions. Constructivist theory views knowledge as a construct. Purpose: The current research tries to link it with futurism by focusing on constructivism and in this process, by using the constructivist approach of grounded theory, to present a short-range theory in the construction of possible futures of professional sports. The growth of professional sports is the beginning of the development of the sports industry.MethodologyThis research is a type of qualitative research. In the present research, because we are looking for new concepts, from the point of view of nature, exploratory-fundamental; In terms of approach, inductive; From a paradigm perspective, the interpretive-constructive paradigm; From the perspective of strategy, the data theory of the foundation with a constructivist approach; From the point of view of data collection, field and library; From the point of view of the goal, explanation and modeling, and from the point of view of data collection tools, in-depth interviews and theoretical studies. Grounded theory or foundational data is one of the strategies of the qualitative method that emphasizes the induction or emergence of information from the data, in order to create a theory or model. In grounded theory, data forms the basis of our theory and our analysis of these data produces the concepts we want. Data allows us to learn from the stories of survivors and allows research participants to break the silence. But how researchers observe and present data depends on which version or approach they adopt from the grounded theory method (Charmaz, 2020). In this research, after studying and examining the mentioned challenge, in order to provide a systematic and schematic model of the findings from the coded data, it was tried to use the constructivist approach in the foundational data theory presented by Charmez. , to be used. This plan refers to the view of Charms (2020), which is a kind of philosophical position, between the almost positivist (quantitative) issue of Glaser and Strauss and the issue of postmodern researchers who question the importance of dominant research methods. Constructivist grounded theory leads researchers to focus on what is happening in the research context, reiterates that researchers are part of it, be flexible and follow empirical events.The data of this qualitative research, which had an exploratory-fundamental nature, was collected through targeted sampling with the snowball technique and based on in-depth semi-structured interviews with 20 experts in the field of professional sports in Iraq. A detailed interpretive understanding and primary, focused, central and theoretical coding determined that professional sports based on the requirements of shaping the future, by overcoming the weight of the past, the pressure of the present and in line with the tension of the future and the choice of proactive behavior in facing the future, can achieve its desired future. Make and set a perspective for it.Results: In this research, macro analysis of future trends, generating income from social media, new formulas for selling players, the existence of many talents in all disciplines in Iraq, sustainable talent search by clubs, development of academies and provision of legal measures for broadcasting rights.ConclusionIn this research, the surprising factors affecting Iraqi professional sports were also identified. The most important surprises affecting professional sports in Iraq include: privatization of public media, privatization of clubs, amendment of laws and copyright law, meritocracy, non-interference of politicians, change of attitude of managers, exclusive networks, sale of players, sale of products and marketing. Among the influential drivers are the drivers of professional sports budget providers, which are considered as one of the basic drivers of professional sports. Currently, the biggest drivers of professional sports goals in Iraq are the government and industries, and part of the armed forces and part of the sector. Private and those who fund professional sports form because this field is the biggest source that helps us to implement any program, especially the strategic plan with it is the issue of budget. Increasing the budget of Iraqi sports is one of the main drivers of professional sports in Iraq. Because the more economical the view of sports, especially professional sports, these sports will definitely win medals and bring Iraq to sustainable income generation and development in professional sports. Another driver identified is the presence of sponsors, which are the biggest drivers of Iraq's professional sports in the form of government sponsors and sometimes private sponsors. According to the findings of the research, one of the drivers identified in professional sports is having strategic and long-term plans in various fields of professional sports. Hence, the programs that are based on winning medals and titles in world arenas and Olympics, etc. Among other drivers in professional sports, we can mention the employment of competent people in management positions. Another driver of professional sports is talent search. If the talent search is done correctly in sports fields and these talents are increased based on a written program and a predetermined scientific plan, it can be effective in the world fields and the Olympics.Therefore, in order to make the state sports smaller and smaller, it is suggested that an independent institution of trade in sports be formed, consisting of the trustees of real private clubs, with the aim of making decisions for economic discussions and providing superior income generation models. The primary goal of this independent institution should be to attract the trustees of state clubs and go towards privatization. In a general conclusion, it can be acknowledged that by identifying the surprises and drivers affecting the future of professional sports in Iraq, it is possible to identify its various futures with different possibilities. Surprises sometimes bring transformative events such as the invention of a new technology.