Analyzing the Artistic Use of Simile and its Influence in the Literary Style of Abhar Al-Ashqin
Subject Areas : Art
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of humanities and law, Khorasgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: rhetoric, literary style, Abhar al-Ashqin, simile, Rozbahan Baghli,
Abstract :
Rozbehan Baghli (died 606 AH), known as Sheikh Shatah, is a famous Sufi. His name shines so brightly in Persian Romantic Sufism that no one can deny it. One of his most important works, which is also considered valuable from a literary point of view, is Abhar al-Ashqin. This book includes chapters related to love and romance and the quality of this great state in Sufism, which is the foundation and principle of this spiritual school. In this book, Roozbahan has discussed topics such as love and the lover, the quality of communication and the unity of this secret, the commitment of the beauty of love and the inseparability of these two unseen beauties from each other, the stability of existence over love and the superiority of human beauty. This wonderful discussion, which is mixed with the most expressive Persian phrases, the most eloquent poems and the most beautiful pictures and similes, is very charming and attractive because Rozbahan's mystic state, which according to his own words has an occult source and a spiritual source, with his special ecstasy, taste and charm, has shed such a light on the expressions of the book that if we say that most of his expressions are alive and dancing, we are not wrong. What helps to bring life to most of the book's expressions is the author's use of rehetoric and especially simile. Similes is everywhere in this book and decorate most of the pages of this work. In this article, types of similes in this book are examined and a general analysis regarding the mystical and literary language of Rozbahan is presented.
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