Rereading the Personality Characteristics of the Muslim Architect based on the Opinions of Titus Burkhardt
Subject Areas : Art
Seyed Rahman Mortazavi
Mehdi Mohammadkhani
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Khorasgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Maa’ref, Najaf Abad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan , Iran
Keywords: personality, Islamic art, Muslim architect, Islamic architecture,
Abstract :
Titus Burckhardt, on the basis of philosophia perennis, proposes a model for reading Islamic art which helps understanding it without violating its fundamental rules. Its point of departure is an understanding of inadequacy of modern methods in the reading of traditional cultures. Models that are unable to show and bear the spiritual foundations of the traditional world. In this regard, he shows how architecture , like other traditional arts, is able to analyze and show the mental horizons and the world of the traditional human being. An architecture in Islamic world is a complete reflection of Islamic culture, since Muslim architect breathes in an atmosphere full of Islamic theosophy and the taste of his audience is also shaped in this atmosphere.The characteristics of Muslim architect’s faith , which was formed and nurtured in this space, are undistinguishable part of Islamic architecture tradition; and these characteristics give unity and meaning to the whole of Islamic architecture in the first place. He mixes his skills with faith and sacred knowledge and sees his work as a way to materialize God's will on earth. This approach transcends simultaneously creator and constructed and removes profane aspect.
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