Examining the Verses of the Inscriptions of the Altars of the Ilkhanid Period based on the Discourse Analysis theory of Michel Foucault
Subject Areas : Art
Seyed Mahmoud Hosseini Deh Miri
Abolfazl Davodi Roknabadi
Shapour Bahyan
Seyed Rahman Mortazavi Babaheydari
1 - Ph.D. in Art Research, Lecturer, Farhangian University of Isfahan, Shahid Bahonar Campus, Isfahan, Iran
2 - Professor, Design & Clothing Department, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran
3 - Associate Professor and Faculty of Sociology, Mobarake Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
4 - Assistant professor, art and architecture faculty, Isfahan (Khorasgan Branch), Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran Tourism, Architecture and Urban Research Center, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: Altar, Discourse, Ilkhani, Michel Foucault.,
Abstract :
During the Ilkhanid period, after Ghazan Khan converted to Islam, the construction of mosques and paying attention to the decoration of mosques became very important, and it was considered alongside other political efforts to legitimize the Mongols. Establishing legitimacy and popularity among the people does not always happen with the sword and military power and can be achieved with ideological mechanisms. Foucault believes that power influences a network of complex relationships, determines the structure of society, and legitimizes it. He believes that where there is power, there is also resistance. During the Ilkhanid period, Iranian identity was contrasted with Mongolian and non-Iranian identities, and the religion of Islam became important as the main source of legitimizing the identity of the Mongols. As mosque construction continued, paying attention to special altars with specific verses was on the agenda of the government, artists, and founders. The purpose of this research is to examine the discourse of power in the Ilkhanate period and to reveal the motives of the Ilkhan rulers to build special altars with specific verses. This research is in search of an answer to the question: How did the motivations of power among the Ilkhan rulers help to create special altars with specific verses? The research method in this research is descriptive-analytical, and with the philosophical approach of discourse analysis, it examines the verses of the inscriptions on the altars of the Ilkhanid period. The results show that in the construction of patriarchal altars, certain verses with political meanings and themes favored by the patriarchs were involved, and the patriarchs pursued specific political goals through the construction of these altars.
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