A New Protection Coordination Scheme for Restoration Over Current Protection Device in Distribution Networks With Distributed Generations
Subject Areas : Power Engineering
Hadi Bisheh
Ehsan Heydarian-Forushani
Hassan Haes Alhelou
1 - Esfahan Regional Electric Company (EREC), Isfahan, Iran
2 - Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Qom University of Technology, Qom, Iran
3 - Department of Electrical Power Engineering, Tishreen University, Syria
Keywords: distributed generation, Over Current, Distribution network, Protection coordination,
Abstract :
In today's power systems, grid parameters are usually monitored by controlling agents to ensure the quality of produced electrical energy. Uninterrupted service to the network customers and continuous power supply may be disrupted through various disturbances. On this basis, the network requires a completely reliable, fast, and precise protection system. The protection of distribution networks is controlled by overcurrent equipment, which is complicated with increasing penetration of distributed generation resources due to change in the direction of current. This paper investigates how these resources affect the coordinated performance of the network protection system and proposes a new solution with the aim of restoration and fixing the miscoordination problem. The proposed method could be implemented on traditional overcurrent protection equipment while being able to meet the challenge of protection coordination with the lowest cost. The simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
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