An Isolated Bidirectional Converter with Zero Current Switching for Photovoltaic Applications
Subject Areas : Electronic EngineeringAbdulrahman Salim 1 , Babak Keyvani 2
1 - Independent High Electoral Commission, Baghdad, Iraq
2 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Broujen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Broujen, Iran|Energy Research Center, Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran
Keywords: Isolation, Lossless snubbers, High efficiency, Bidirectional converter,
Abstract :
In this paper, a new isolated bidirectional converter is presented so that by using a new snubber without any additional switch, soft switching is provided for both main switches and the energy of the snubber circuit is transferred to the output. The number of proposed converter elements is low and its control is very simple because only one switc5h operates on each side and the other switch does not take command signal. One of its features is not using separate inductors in the snubber circuit and using the third coil for the snubber circuit. The performance of the proposed converter has been fully analyzed and simulated in PSPICE software, the results of which confirm the theoretical analysis of the converter. On the other hand, an 80W prototype has been made from it, and its practical results have been presented.
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