A Probe into the Necessity and Outcomes of Self-Purification: Awarif al-Ma'arif and Nahj al-Balaghah in Focus
Subject Areas : Islamic Mysticism
Fouzhan Sabbahi
Ali Eynalilou
Alireza Salehi
1 - PhD Student, Persian Language and Literature Dept., Islamic Azad University, Rudehen Branch, Ruden, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature Dept., Islamic Azad University, Rudehen Branch, Ruden, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature Dept., Islamic Azad University, Tehran Center Branch, Tehran, Iran
Abstract :
Practical mysticism begins with self-purification and asceticism. On the spiritual journey and the path to ascension to God, wayfarers are to ward off bodily and moral impurities as well as torments of the soul to reach the very first peace and serenity. Corrupting the soul will bring about unfortunate consequences for human beings. He who strives to purge the soul of vices and to vest in virtues will absolve the carnal soul, thereby achieving a righteous one. As one of the most salient works attributed to the infallible Imam, Nahj al-Balaghah entails exemplary eloquence of practical mysticism. Likewise, Awarif al-Ma'arif viewed as the other reliable source rich in practical mysticism has attracted the attention of mystics for many centuries. The present study employs a descriptive-analytic design in the form of the library research method to collect the data. The purpose of the study is to compare the necessity and outcomes of self-purification in the two books in question. The results of intertextual content analysis of Awarif al-Ma'arif and Nahj al-Balaghah manifest that self-purification stands at the forefront and that nurturing the self is of paramount importance in these two esteemed masterpieces.