Anisotropic and Isotropic Elasticity Applied for the Study of Elastic Fields Generated by Interfacial Dislocations in a Heterostructure of InAs/(001)GaAs Semiconductors
Subject Areas : Mechanical EngineeringR Makhloufi 1 , A Boussaha 2 , R Benbouta 3 , L Baroura 4
1 - Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, LICEGS Laboratory, University of Batna 2 Mostafa Ben Boulaid, Batna, Algeria
2 - Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, University of Batna 2 Mostafa Ben Boulaid, Batna, Algeria
3 - Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, LICEGS Laboratory, University of Batna 2 Mostafa Ben Boulaid, Batna, Algeria
4 - Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Constantine 1, Algeria
Abstract :
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