Biological characteristies of the Plodia interpunctella (Lep.: Pyralidae) on dried fig at different temperatures in laboratory conditions
Subject Areas : Plant Protection
Saeed Momenzadeh
Shahram Hesami
Mehdi Gheibi
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Abstract :
Indian meal moth Plodia interpunctella, (Lep.: Pyralidae) is one of the main pests of stored figs in Iran. The effects of different temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30, 35° C) on the biological characteristics of this pest at laboratory conditions (16:8 L:D , 60±5 % Rh) on dried fig were studied . Mean incubation period were estimated 14.44, 6.70, 3.27, 3.30, 4.26 days respectively. Total larval developmental time were determined 70.79, 42.60, 34.61, 32.2, 27.77 days and duration of pre-pupal and pupal stages were estimated 9, 4.36, 1.44, 1.31, 1.23 and 15.92, 12.44, 7.29, 5.77, 3.34 respectively. Mean adult longevity were estimated 12.62, 12.38, 7.04, 7.65, 6.73 for female and 14, 12.37, 7, 7.03, 6.33 for parameters. Developmental rate were highest on 35° C. The result showed that high temperature promote rapid development of P. interpunctella on dried figs.
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