Comparing efficiency of some insecticides in controlling chickpea pod borer, Heliothis viriplaca (Lep.: Noctuidae)
Subject Areas : Plant Protection
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Abstract :
Chick pod borer, Heliothis viriplaca Hufn, is an important pest of chickpea in East Azarbaijan province. In recent years, pesticides harmful effects have become a problem. This matter is also true regarding chemical control of chickpea pod borer. Therefore, the efficacy of some insecticides such as Indoxacarb Sc15%, Indoxacarb Ec15%, Pyridalyl Ec 50%, Carbaryl Wp 85% with a control (only water) against chickpea pod borer, was evaluated in Maragheh, East Azarbaijan during 2007-2008. The experiment was carried out with ILC 482 variety in RCBD design with three replications. Sampling and counting of live larvae was done 1 day before and 1, 3, 7 and 12 days after treatment by randomly selecting 20 plants from four middle rows in each plot and at the end of the experiment, the number of total pods and damaged pods in 20 plants of each plot was determined. The results of 7th and 12th days after insecticides application showed a significant difference among treatments at level of 5%. Indoxacarb Ec 15% (200 ml/ha) and Indoxacarb Sc15% (200 ml/ha) were both the most effective treatments followed by Piridalyl EC 50% (150 and 200 ml/ha) and Carbaryl wp 85%.
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