Intelligence Model based on Augmented Reality used for Educational Initiative in Architectural Education
Subject Areas : Information Technology in Engineering Design (ITED) Journal
Mostafa Azghandi
مهدی یعقوبی
Elham fariborzi
1 - Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University
2 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
3 - Mashhad Branch Islamic Azad University
Keywords: Architectural education, Educational technology, Augmented Reality, Intelligence Model, Fuzzy Logic,
Abstract :
The current research aims to teach the principles of sustainability to high school students through the three-dimensional modeling of native Iranian-Islamic architecture in the context of virtual and augmented reality settings.Therefore, after identifying the components of native architecture and determining the effective factors in its teaching process through a systematic review of the research literature and conducting semi-structured interviews with a wide range of experts in the research field, in the next step and using an educational model based on the constructivist approach, the story of native Iranian-Islamic architecture has been shared with students. Finally and in the last step of the research, in order to determine the degree of improvement of students' understanding of the concepts related to the principles of sustainable development and native architecture, a questionnaire tool was used with the desired validity and reliability. In this context, the findings of the research indicate that the usage of 3D modeling has been effective in increasing students' familiarity with the different characteristics of native Iranian-Islamic architecture and creating the positive changes in their knowledge, behavior and awareness of concepts related to sustainability principles.
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