A brief review on the chemistry of host types in host-guest interactions
Subject Areas : Others
Abdulhamid Dehghani
Milad Ghezelsofloo
Leila Moradi
1 - Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Kashan, Iran
2 - Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Kashan, Iran
3 - Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Kashan, Iran
Keywords: Host-guest nanochemistry, Calixarene, Macromolecule, Cyclodextrin, Crown ether,
Abstract :
Host-guest nanochemistry is a branch of supramolecular chemistry in which a so-called host molecule binds to a guest molecule or ion. Host-guest interactions involve two molecules or substances that can form complexes through unique structural relationships and non-covalent bonding. Also called molecular recognition, this type of interaction is widely found in biological recognition processes, such as enzyme-inhibitor and antigen-antibody interactions. Host-guest molecular recognition provides a powerful approach to construct a dynamic interface that allows the resulting assemblies to be structurally manipulated in size and shape. Thus, it opens a path to construct smart supramolecular systems with multilevel reactivity. Host-guest nanochemistry incorporates the idea of molecular recognition and interactions through non-covalent bonding. Noncovalent bonding is critical in maintaining the three-dimensional structure of large molecules such as proteins and is involved in many biological processes in which large molecules are specifically but transiently bound together. Host-guest interactions have attracted considerable attention since their discovery, as many biological processes require host-guest interactions and can be useful in some material designs. In this article, the host-guest molecules and some of their applications are briefly introduced.
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