Identifying and Prioritizing the Dimensions and Components of Cultural Participation Using Thematic Analysis and OPA Techniques: Islamic Azad Universities of Hormozgan Province
Subject Areas : OrganizationsZahra Sayafan 1 , Kulthum Nami 2 , Mokhtar Zakeri 3 , Mahmoud Sabahizadeh 4
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Keywords: Student Cultural Participation, OPA, Islamic Azad University, Thematic analysis,
Abstract :
The present study was conducted aimed to identify the dimensions and components of cultural participation in universities (case study: Islamic Azad Universities of Hormozgan province). This study is a mixed exploratory research that in the qualitative section using the Thematic analysis technique and based on semi-structured interviews with 20 experts to identify the dimensions and components of students' cultural participation; also, also, in order to prioritize the dimensions and components of cultural participation, the OPA (Lingo software) technique was used based on the opinions of 7 experts. In the thematic analysis part, 51 basic themes, 12 organizing themes and 4 comprehensive themes were identified. Based on the results of OPA technique, the indicators of "quality of cultural programs, proper planning, how to implement cultural programs, motivational behavior pattern, attention to students' opinions, institutional trust, spirit of participation, security, social health, social communication and new communication media" They were ranked 1 to 12, respectively. Findings of this research can provide deep insight to senior decision makers and cultural managers and provide the basis for more cultural participation of researchers and students.
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