The Criminological Challenge of the Concept Changing of Womanhood
Subject Areas : Sociology
1 - University of Tehran, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Womanhood concept, challenge, Criminological,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to examine the criminological challenge of the concept changing of womanhood. The research statistical universe included the whole concepts and texts related to womanhood. The sample consisted of the concept changing of womanhood in the criminology domain. The research design was descriptive-analytical. Data were collected using documentary and library method. The data were then analyzed, synthesized and summarized. The results showed that the concept of womanhood, was formed based on the social structure of the society. It is a challenging concept and it was not an exception in the transformation rule concerning the time. The concept of womanhood, which was considered as the interpretation of the principles and framework for the woman's identity, had been influenced by the advancement of technology and the exchange of ideas, and in the historical periods, womanhood had taken a different form. The results also indicated that the women's attitudes toward their identities had been changed by moving away from traditional roles and more communication with real and virtual communities. Women who chose different lifestyles as a result of changing perspectives on the concept of womanhood confronted different experiences. The formation of the ideal woman's perspective was sometimes accompanied by an unusual lifestyle that by reinforcing the three variables of available goals, the lack of protection and proximity of the offender provided the context of the victimization.
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