Increasing the level of invincibility and reducing the cost of supply chain based on radio frequency identification technology
Subject Areas :
Industrial Management
Rahim Ranjbar
Amir Najafi
Ali Mohammadi
Naser Hamidi
1 - Industrial Management Department, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran
2 - Department of industrial engineering, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad university, Zanjan, Iran
3 - Department of Management, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran
4 - Department of Management, Qazvin Unit, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran
Received: 2018-12-19
Accepted : 2019-02-17
Published : 2019-01-21
Identification using radio frequency,
supply chain management,
manufacturing industries,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of radio frequency identification technology on increasing the level of invincibility and reducing the costs of supply chain of industrial industries in Urmia. In this research, using the Chi-square independent statistical method, we test the hypothesis and to investigate the predictive role of the independent variable identifying using radio frequency on the intermediate variable (ie intervener), ie, human, organizational and environmental factors management as well as the effect They used a path analysis model based on the dependent variable to reduce supply chain costs. The results indicate that there is a relationship between the use of radio frequency identification and the reduction of supplier costs, producers, distributors, retailers and end-users. The results of path analysis and fitted model test indicate that there is a direct relationship between human factors and environmental factors, organizational factors and environmental factors, and finally human factors and the use of identification using radio frequency, and environmental factors, directly and indirectly, use identification Using radio frequency is effective.
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Chalie Q., Prabhu B.S., Xiaoyong S., Harish R., Peter C., Rajit G. (2005). WinRFID- Middleware for Distributed RFID Infrastrure.
Dadkhah, N. (2007). The Impact of RFID on supply chain management in the automotive industry, The Frist International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems.
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Gao RFID Inc. (2009). High Performance RFID enabled parking barrier gate.
Heidari Garehbagh, H. (2008). The Model implementation of supply chain management in small and medium enterprises. Journal of Technology Management, 5(17), 43-50.
Hugos, M. (2003). Essentials of Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Management Review.
I-Hsuan Hong, Jr-Fong Dang, Yi-Hsuan Tsai, Chen-Shen Liu, Wang Kopezak. (1997). Logistic Partnership and Supply chain restructuring: survey results from the US Computer industry, Production and Operation Management 6 (3), 226-247.
Jiapeng Huang, Zhenzao Wen, Linghe Kong, Li Ge, Min-You Wu, Guihai Chen. (2018). Accelerate the classification statistics in RFID systems. Theoretical Computer Science.
Ladani, M., Larry, M. Esfahan, M. (2011). The role of RFID systems in reducing the cost of economic activity, the first national conference on the development of economic activities.
Mazaheri, G. Salimian, P. (2011). The use of RFID technology in the transportation industry, the first regional conference on new approaches in computer engineering and information technology.
Moorman, R. (2005). RFID in the supply chain, Air Transport World, 42, 52-60.
Parvarshkaran, Ebrahim (2006). Incrase Labor Productivity Utilizing RFID.
Patterson Krik, A., Grimm Curtis, M., Corsi Thomas, M. (2003). Adopting new technologies for supply chain management. Transportation Research part E 39, 95-121.
Raee, A. Nakhaee kamalabadi, A. (2007). The RFID in the supply chain industry (case study: the household appliances industry), The Second National Conference of RFID.
Rausand, Marvin, Høyland, Arnljot. (2003). System Reliability Theory: Models, Statistical Methods, and Applications, 2nd Edition (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics. Translator: Amir Najafi, Tehran: Arvin Publishing.
Ruhina, M. (2008). The types of automatic identification systems, the Second National Conference of RFID.
Sacks, R., Navon, R., and Goldschmidt, E. (2003). Building progect model support for automared labor monitoring. J. Computer Civ.Eng. 147, 324-330.
Safari, H. Mehreban, A. Mogdehi, N. (2007). Application of RFID Technology in electronic Supply Chain, 1st International Conference on supply chain management and information systems.
Sarac, A. Abil, N.Dauzere-Peres, S. (2010). A literature review on the impact of RFID technologies on supply chain management. Int.J. Production Economics, 128 77-95.
Saunders, M.J. (1995). Chains, Pipelines, networks and value stream: the role, nature and value of suchmetaphors in forming perceptions of the task of purchasing and supplymanagement, First Worldwide.
Sharifzadeh, A. (2008). Design the Comprehensive system to identify and control the speed of vehicles by using RFID technology, The Second National Conference of RFID.
Shen Guo-qiang, Sun Chun-Jie, Zhang Chao. (2001). Influence of information Technology on Supply Chain Management. Science Management of Railway Material, 2, 37-38.
Tajima, M. (2007). Strategic value of RFID in supply chain management. Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, 13, 261-273.
Tamil, E.M., Idris M.Y.I., Razak. Z., Noor N.M., Kin L.W. ( 2009). Car park system: a review of smart parking system and its technology. Information Technology Journal, 8(2), 101-113.
Tsang Lee, Ming-Li Wang, Pei-Chun Chen. (2011).An RFID application in the food supply chain: A case study of convenience stores in Taiwan, Journal of Food Engineering 106, 119–126.
Zhu, Weiping, and Sun, Shengchao. (2019). Supporting Interval Time Complex Events Processing in an RFID System. Procedia Computer Science
Xiaowei, Zhu, Samar, K. Mukhopadhyay, Hisashi, Kurata. (2012), A review of RFID technology and its managerial applications in different industries, J. Eng. Technol. Manage, 29, 152–161.
Yeganeh, B., Farooqi, E. Rahimifard, A. (2007). Products sequencing error analysis in stores using RFID technology, International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems.