Antecedents and Consequences of the Knowledge Management System in the West Red Crescent Organization
Subject Areas : Industrial ManagementEdris moradi 1 , kumars ahmadi 2 , Adel Salavati 3
1 - Ph.D. Student in governmental management, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University of Sanandaj
3 - Department of management, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch, Iran
Keywords: knowledge management consequence, Content Analysis, knowledge management antecedents, Knowledge management,
Abstract :
In recent years, Knowledge management has become an important issue. Knowledge management is the most tool for the development of organization and every organization should be able to quickly find the basic and new method of knowledge management and apply them. The purpose of this research is to identify and investigate the antecedents and consequences of knowledge management in the western Red Crescent organizations. This research is an applied-developmental and qualitative- quantitative research in nature. The statistical population consisted of managers and assistants of Red Crescent organizations who were interviewed using a purposive and snowball sampling method, which according to the principle of the adequacy of data, 16 individuals were interviewed. The analytical method is the content analysis. Delphi method was used to confirm the extracted model and confirmatory factor analysis was used to examine the relationships between them. Antecedent is include: Organizational Internal and External Collaboration, organizational managers' thinking and decisions, create the motivation in organization, empowering members, specializing and consequence is include: task factors, extra duty factors, value factors.
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- Mohammadi Moghaddam, Y. (2011). Model of Police Knowledge Management in NAJA. Doctoral dissertation, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Faculty of Management and Accounting (in persion).
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- Saadabadi, A. A., Taleghani, G., & Golchin, A. (2013). Identifying and examining barriers to teamwork in knowledge-based organizations and science and technology parks with a fuzzy approach. Quarterly Journal of Public Organization Management. No. 3:82-65 (in persion).
- Salavati, A., & Hagh, Nazar. F. (2009). An Analytical Study of the Factors Affecting the Implementation of Knowledge Management System in Headquarters of National Iranian Oil Company. Journal of Productivity Management, Volume 3, Number 10: 77- 104 (in persion).
- Salavati, A., Rostami Noroozabad, M., Kamangar, F., & Rahmani Noroozabad, S. (2014) Systematic Thinking and Knowledge Management Implementation. Strategic Management Studies, No. 18: 73-99 (in persion).
- Shir Ali., M, & Danaei, A. (2018). Investigating the Relationship between Knowledge Management and Information Technology Adoption in Semnan Education Organization. Third National Conference on New Approaches in the Humanities, Challenges and Solutions (in persion).
- Shujahat, M., Ali, B., Nawaz, F., Durst, S., & Kianto, A. (2017). Translating the impact of knowledge management into knowledge‐based innovation: The neglected and mediating role of knowledge‐worker satisfaction. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 28(4), 200-212.
- Tatiana. G., Tatiana, A. (2012). Knowledge elicitation techniques in acknowledge management context”. Journal of Knowledge Management, 16(4), 523-537.
- Wickramasinghe, N. (Ed.). (2007). Knowledge-Based Enterprise: Theories and Fundamentals: Theories and Fundamentals. Igi Global.
- Zhou, L., Zijlstra, T., & Lu, X. (2018). Embracing Knowledge Management as a New Perspective for Librarianship. under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License: