A Model to Predict the Profitability of Pharmaceutical Companies Using Artificial Neural Network
Subject Areas : Industrial Management
1 - M.A. Student, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran
Abstract :
The aim of this paper is to develop a model to predict the profitability of pharmaceutical companies using the artificial neural network. The research method was descriptive-modeling and statistical population included all active pharmaceutical companies of the Stock Exchange including 21 companies. Due to the limited population, no sampling was performed and the whole community was surveyed. The documents of pharmaceutical companies were used to data collection and artificial neural networks were used for data analysis. The results showed that the best model to predict the profitability of pharmaceutical companies is obtained by considering the variables of working capital to total assets, cumulative profit (loss) to total assets, earnings before interest and taxes to total assets, the market value of equity to the book value of debts, sales to total assets and liquidity.
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- Jafari samimi, A. Khazaei, A. & Montazeri, J. (2013). The Impact of Financing Method on Profitability Growth among Iranian Firms. Economic Strategy (7), 81-106.
- Jang, S. (2011). Growth-focused or profit-focused firms: Transitions toward profitable growth, Tourism Management, 32, 667- 674.
- Hendriksen, E.S. & Van Breda, M.F. (2009). Accounting Theory (Volume 1). Translator: Parsaeeian, A. Termeh publication. 3rd edition.
- Kanas, A., Vasiliou D. & Eriotis, N. (2013). Revisiting bank profitability: A semi-parametric approach, Int. Fin. Markets, Inst. and Money 22, 990– 1005.
- Khajavi, Sh., Ghayuri Moghadam, A. & Ghaffari, M.J. (2010). Data Envelopment Analysis Technique: A complementary Method for Traditional Analysis of Financial Ratios. Journal of the Accounting and Auditing Review. 17(2), 41-56.
- Laeven, L., Majnoni, G. (2003). Loan loss provisioning and economic slowdowns: too much, too late? Journal of Financial Intermediation 12, 178–197.
- Majumdar, S. K.(1997). The Impact of Size and Age on Firm-Level Performance: Some Evidences from India. Review of Industrial Organization 12, 231–241.
- Mirzaei, A., Moore, T. & Liu, G. (2013). Does market structure matter on banks’ profitability and stability? Emerging vs. advanced economies, Journal of Banking & Finance 37, 2920–2937.
- Moradi, M.R. (2005). The relationship between stock prices and dividends payable and Earnings in Tehran Stock Exchange. Master thesis. Shahid Beheshti University.
- Pourheydari, O. (2010). The Relationship between Accounting Variables and Stock Price Movements in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE). Journal of the Accounting and Auditing Review. 17(2), 23- 40.
- Rietveld P, Schipper Y, Nijkamp P. Estimating welfare effects of European airline liberalization.(2001). Presented at the 9th World Conference on Transportation Research (WCTR) in Seoul, Korea in 2001, WCTR Paper No. 13.
- Saeedi, P. & pagheh, I. (2011). The Study of Relationship between interest rate changes with stock returns and profitability of financial institutions in Tehran Stock Exchange. Financial knowledge of securities analysis, 4(9), 101-124.
- Shabahang, R. (2008). Financial Management (volume 2). Audit organization publication.
- Tarafi, Sh. (2006). The effect of size, type of industry and investment ratios on in predicting the repayment of loans by expert viewpoints of Saderat bank. Master thesis. Iran Banking Institute.