Effective Factors on Entrepreneurship Success in Development of Industrial Plants by Using MCDM Technique (Case study: Industries in one of the Iranian Provinces)
Subject Areas : Industrial Management
Younos Vakil Alroaia
Mojtaba Javidnia
1 - Assistant Professor and Chairman, Department of Management, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran
2 - Master Student of Industrial Management, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan Iran
Abstract :
This research aims to identify and rank the effective factors on entrepreneurs’ success and their effects on the development of industrial sector. Although many types of research have so far been performed on entrepreneurship success, none is based on an identification of vital factors and the rate of their effect on a network of factors. Considering the high significance of industry of a country in its development, this research proceeds to investigate and rank the indicators of entrepreneurship success in the development of industries in Semnan Province. Thus, after studying the research history and applying Delphi method, 13 main indicators of entrepreneurship success in industrial sector were identified. Then, a sample consisted of 100 company in 6 active industrial towns of Semnan Province was determined and in order to investigate the mutual effects of indicators on each other and the effects of each indicator on the networks of indicators, some questionnaires were distributed among the senior managers and recollected afterward. Then, the data was analyzed applying DEMATEL technique which is based on Graph theory. Through this technique, the effective indicators of entrepreneurship were divided into two effective and effective groups. Afterward, applying Analytic Network Process (ANP), the weights related to each indicator were determined and finally, the final ranking of indicators was performed through VIKOR method. The results of final ranking indicate that “Innovation, creation and branding ideas” is the most important factor among the set of factors. Besides, “being practical” was introduced as the least important factor among the set of entrepreneurship success factors in the development of industrial sector.
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