Examining "Implictures" in the Discourses of the Sushun Book by Simin Daneshvar: Grice's Cooperative Principles and Leech's Politeness Principles in Focus
Subject Areas : Persian Language and Literature
Azar Bagheri Masoudzade
Ali Asghar Rostami Abousaeedi
شکاریان بهزادی Shekarian Behzadi
1 - Ph.D. in TEFL, Department of English Language, Kerman Branch, Farhangian University, Kerman, Iran
2 - Ph.D. in English Literature, Department of English Language, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran
3 - Ph.D. in Linguistics, Department of English Language, Kerman Branch, Farhangian University, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: Implicatures, Leach', s politeness principles, Grice', s cooperative principles, speech-action,
Abstract :
This research has analyzed the "implictures" in the discourses of the Sushun book by Simin Daneshvar based on the Grice's Cooperative Principles as well as the Leech's Politeness Principles. The study has also examined their function in the intendedvdiscourse texts. In fact, in this study, an attempt is made to provide observations on why and how such "implictures" are inferred and understood. In order to collect data, the researchers first extracted the conversations containing implictures from the Sushon book, and the cases of violations and compliance with the Grice's cooperative principles were identified and collected in these conversations, then the cases of Leech's politeness principles of politeness were extracted, and the mentioned theoretical framework. was employed and analyzed in order to explain the implictures. Data have been analyzed in statistical tables and graphs and the results obtained from the data analysis indicated that the most cases of violation of Grice's principles are related to the principle of quantity. The results also revealed that Leech's Politeness Principles are not always able to interpret the violation of Grice's Cooperative Principles. Moreover, based on the results, the highest compliance with the principles of politeness is related to the principle of cooperation, and the lowest compliance is related to the principle of modesty.
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