The reflection of social issues in the poems of Shirkoo Bikas
Subject Areas : Persian Language and Literature
payman tabari
Sayyed Ahmad Parsa
Mohammad Ali Gozashti
1 - Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University kangavar Branch, kermanshah, Iran
2 - Professor, Persian Language and Literature, University of Kurdistan. Kurdistan,
3 - Associate professor, Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Central Branch, Tehran, Iran
Abstract :
Shirkoo Bikas (1940-2013) is a pioneer Contemporary Kurdish poet and the winner of Swidish literal award of “Tokholoski” in 1987-1988. he also won the title of “Fello- citizen” from the greatest civil society of Florance. the topic of the study is” the reflection of social issues in the poems of Shirkoo Bikas” the purposes of the study are the introduction of this competent poet to the non-kurdish- speaking people, the better knowledge to the literal techniques in the expression of one of the pivotal issues of his poem(freedom), and a better knowing of the poems of a contemporary poet. Statistic population is descriptive and based on his poems translated to pers ian. the data have been gathered by the libray method and analyzed by the technique of content analysis. the results show that the depiction of the fearful atmosphere of Iraqi society during the Ba,th government, the expression of the pain and fortures of the society and the issues like this have given a new manifestation to the freedom in his poems, which the images created by the poet with this concept is a justification of this issue.
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