The Influence of Common Persian Rhythms on Persian’s Arabic Poems During Sixth and Seventh Centuries
Subject Areas : Persian Language and Literature
1 - Assistant Professor in Persian Language & Literature , Kurdistan University
Abstract :
One of the most important issues in comparative literature is the investigation and analyzing the relationship between the literature of creative languages and their influences on each other. Although Arabic literature have influenced on most of the Persian literay works, in this essay the common rhythms 0f persian poems that lnfluence on persian’s Arabic poems during sixth and seventh centueries will be disscussed .Whereas common rhythms 0f persian classical poems is caused of Arabic poems, persian poets have applied it to Persian structure . In addition to use Arabic meters, the persian poets considered Persian meters in their Arabic poems. In this essay the differences between common rhythms in Arabic and Persian poems are disscused by means of reliable refrences. The tresults demonstrates that the most bilingual and Arabic poems found in works of Iranian poets, in rhythem and method of poetry, are influenced by Persian poems. In fact these poets said Arabic in Persian form.
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