Power and weight optimization of spur gears using metaheuristics and finite element method
Subject Areas : Journal of New Applied and Computational Findings in Mechanical Systems
Mohammad Sadeghi
Ali Sadollah
1 - MSc Graduated, University of Science and Culture
2 - Assistant Professor, University of Science and Culture
Keywords: Water Cycle Algorithm, Spur gear, Metaheuristic Algorithms, Optimization, Neural network algorithm,
Abstract :
Gearing is one of the most efficient methods of transmitting power from a source to its application with or without change of speed or direction. In this paper, a spur gear model is optimized aiming to maximize its transmission power and minimize its weight. Several design variables named as transmitted power, number of pinion teeth, modules, and thickness of gears have been considered during optimization process. For the sake of optimization, two developed metaheuristics named as water cycle and neural net-work algorithms have been examined using MATLAB programming language platform. Besides, obtained optimization results have been validated and analyzed using well-known commercial computer aided engineering software ANSYS. Based on the ob-tained optimization results, optimum design has been found using optimizers and in terms of engineering analysis good agreement has been observed between the applied finite element approach.
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