Lifestyle policy of female athletes in metropolitan areas (case study: female athletes in Tehran)
Subject Areas : Management
Shayesteh Haghighi
Bahram Ghadmimi
Shojaei Masoumeh
1 - Department of Sociology of Sport, Faculty of Social Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - 2. Associate Professor, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Unit, Tehran, Iran
3 - 3. Associate Professor, faculty member of Al-Zahra University, Iran
Keywords: Female athletes, Women', s sports lifestyle policy, Post-championship, Withdrawal.,
Abstract :
Whether you want it or not, post-championship is a life transition that has significant consequences on the physical and mental health of athletes, as well as their social and professional development. The purpose of the current research was to make lifestyle policies for female athletes in metropolitan areas (case study: female athletes in Tehran). The statistical population of the present study includes female professional athletes after the end of the championship period. The sampling method in this study was snowball. In this way, a sample group consisting of 22 participants with diverse characteristics and appropriate to the research objectives was formed, and the data collection method was semi-structured interviews. The results have been extracted as a set of main and secondary themes. The results show that the transition has affected the lifestyle of female athletes after the end of the championship period, and in general, individual experiences, sources of coping, and the type of transition can determine the success or failure of a person in the withdrawal process. It is suggested to develop a strategic plan for championship sports in future research using the qualitative-quantitative research method, use experts (post-championship), increase coaches and referees, attract support from the public and private sectors, and design short-term and long-term sports development programs. To be considered as effective factors in the lifestyle of female athletes and their support.
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