"Policy-making and Sociological Analysis of Elite Migration (A Case Study of Martial Arts Elites)."
Subject Areas : socialism
sajad karami
Bahram Ghadimi
Taleb Pour
1 - Department of social sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Migration, Elite, Martial Arts, Policy,
Abstract :
This research was conducted with the aim of policy-making and sociological analysis of elite migration in martial arts. It was a mixed-method study with an exploratory sequential design. In its qualitative section, the grounded theory approach based on the Strauss and Corbin model was used to comprehend the nature of migration among martial arts elites. The researcher also delved into the mental aspects of this reality, employing the pragmatism paradigm. The quantitative section utilized a survey method through the use of a questionnaire. Following interviews, codes, concepts, and themes were extracted, and the questionnaire was formulated based on these elements for use in the statistical population. The study population included professionals and athletes in martial arts, with 12 purposively selected individuals, and martial arts athletes in Tehran city, totaling 384 individuals who were conveniently selected. The research tools included semi-structured interviews and a researcher-designed questionnaire. The results indicated that the discovered components in the qualitative section fell into four categories (economic factors, social factors, political-administrative factors, and psychological factors). Factor analysis revealed that all four dimensions of social, political-administrative, economic, and psychological factors significantly influence sports elite migration, and this influence is respectively desirable and highly desirable. None of these relationships were weak; in other words, all significant components play a influential role in the migration of martial arts elites. However, economic factors with a factor loading of 0.71 had the highest impact, while social factors with a factor loading of 0.51 had the least impact.
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