Sports washing as a soft power to consolidate the political governance of sports
Subject Areas : Others
Taha Razmara
Mozafar Yektayar
Saeed Abdi
1 - PhD in Sports Management, Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of Sports Management Department, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
3 - a member of the faculty of Farhangian University of Kurdistan,iran
Keywords: soft power ", transparency", political sovereignty ", ", human rights ", Sports wash,
Abstract :
Sports washing is a new word in the form of soft power that appears in both authoritarian and democratic political environments and can play a dual role at the domestic and international levels. The present study was a conceptual analysis and the achievement of effective and key results of the dual role of sports washing in the domestic and international level in order to strengthen the political sovereignty of governments in this area. The present study was a conceptual analysis and the achievement of effective and key results of the dual role of sports washing in the domestic and international level in order to strengthen the political sovereignty of governments in this area.The sources of the present study were based on the articles of reliable international publications and reliable internet portals. The findings showed that sports washing in the form of soft power requires trust, international transparency and compliance with the Charter of Human Rights in order to achieve the desired goals of political governance. It is suggested that in order to prevent and control the negative approach of the phenomenon of Sports washing, individuals, governments and organizations that are involved in the phenomenon of Sports washing show resistance to the normalization of moral violations in sports, do not participate in Sports washing activities or how Change your participation. It is also necessary to carry out special supervision by international sports governing bodies on the activities of governments and individuals who are involved in Sports washing.