The National legitimacy of governments in the regional unions procedures
Subject Areas : Recent Developments in public law
Akbar saavari
Samaneh Rahmatifar
shahram Zarneshan
1 - PHD student in Public International Law, Department of law, faculty of Humanities Science, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan Iran
2 - Department of law, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran
3 -
Keywords: Procedure of regional unions#National legitimacy#Good governance#Government# legitimation,
Abstract :
Abstract:This research has been done to investigate the legitimacy and evolution process of the concept of government legitimacy by regional unions. Since the most obvious component of legitimacy is respect for human rights, on this basis, the government is evaluated based on the rights, discipline and security that it establishes for the people and by the people. So, nowadays the governments stablished based on illegal ways like coups, aggressions and ethnic and racial discrimination are facing the crisis of legitimacy to public opinion. Especially by formation of regional unions, the components of national legitimacy of governments have evolved.In order to carry out the research, the following question is raised: how have the components of national legitimacy of the government evolved in the procedure of regional unions and what impact has it had on modern international law? To answer this question the research method is comparative-descriptive and library-based. The result shows that not only the effective control of a government is not considered the basis of national legitimacy, but also democratic methods and tools in reaching power as well as the ability of national governments to establish stability in society based on respect for human rights and basic freedoms of citizens in the procedure of regional unions has been identified
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