A brief review of thermoelectric technology, materials and its application in cooling systems
Subject Areas : Termodynamic
نادر رهبر
مرضیه سیاه مرگویی
1 - عضو هیات علمی/ دانشگاه آزاد سمنان
2 - دانشجو
Keywords: Two-stage, Thermoelectric, Thermoelectric materials, One-stage,
Abstract :
Thermoelectrics are solid-state devices. They are semiconductors that produce electricity using based on the Seebeck and Peltier effect as semiconductor cooler. Thermoelectric has interesting features compared to conventional cooler and electrical appliances. The absence of moving parts result in increasing reliability, reducing maintenance, and increasing the system life. Lack of fluid reduces environmental pollution as well as being quiet which is a great advantage. With rapid development of technology in the field of semiconductor materials, thermoelectric has attracted a lot of attention these days. In this paper the thermoelectric technology, materials, application in the field of cooling has briefly reviewed.