Historical Establishments of Drinking Water Supply in the Afshari Period (Kalat Naderi and Khesht Village)
Subject Areas : Islamic Archaeology
Mahmood Tavousi
Mahdi Tatari
1 - Faculty Member, Department of Art, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Ph.D. Candidate in Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Water, Nader, water storage, Kalat, Khesht Village, Water Canal,
Abstract :
Iranians have sanctified water in various ways. Either in the selection of the goddess Nahid as the guardian of water in ancient times or by celebrating it by setting up numerous water storages and with magnificent facades in different regions in the Islamic era. However, Nader shows us a different type of water storage in Kalat (northeast of Khorasan). He ordered the construction of numerous storage ponds (360) in the valleys around Khesht and Gro in a stepped manner. Of course, in this way, it works in harmony with the natural conditions of the region. His water supply facility in Kalat was also done with clay and stone canals, and the water of Qarasu was moving in the fountains around Khurshid mansion for a while.