Morphological diversity study in some species in Iran
Subject Areas : plant systematics
mozhgan veisi
Masoud Sheidai
fahimeh koohdar
1 - School of Biology, College of Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 - Faculty of Biological Sciences and Technologies of Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
3 - shahid behshti
Keywords: Cluster analysis, Hybrid, Morphological diversity, Taxonomic, Boundary separation,
Abstract :
Introduction: Tamarix is the largest genus in the family Tamaricaceae with about 54 species.Taxonomically due to interspecific hybridization the number of Tamarix species in the world and in Iran is discussed.Aim: the purpose of this research study of Taxonomic and morphological diversity of 51 samples of 10 species are related to different regions of Iran.Materials and methods: 9 Characters (4 quantitative, 5 qualitative) of the morphological structure of vegetative and reproductive organs of the species were studied and statistical analysis was performed. Such as the characteristics of the number of petals, the number of sepals, number of stamen rows, outer sepal, inner sepal, external sepal tip shape, ttachment of stamen to lobe, bracte length relative to calyx length, number of stamen They are one of the prominent morphological features of this genus. PCA showed the most variance in two main components.Results: PCA biplot was drawn to show the most variable traits in morphological studies. Also, clustering method were drawn in morphological studies to show the separation of boundary between species. The borders of all species were separated by the mentioned morphological traits and only boundary of T. karakalensis, T. korolkowii, T. ramosissima were not separated due to overlap in bracte length relative to calyx length character.The information obtained is consistent with the results of molecular studies with the SCoT marker previously performed.Conclusion: The present study indicates the presence of morphological diversity in species and even between individuals of species in Iran. It also showed that morphological traits with molecular studies are effective in determining the boundary of species