Reducing Overcurrent and Overvoltage Stresses due to Open-circuiting of UIPC
Subject Areas : Electrical engineering (electronics, telecommunications, power, control)
Javad Pourhossein
Gevork B. Gharehpetian
1 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Islamic Azad University (IAU)-Gonabad Br
2 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Power flow controller, discontinuous control, overcurrent and overvoltage mitigation,
Abstract :
The unified interphase power controller (UIPC) is basically a series-type power flow controller that behaves like a current source. Hence, an open-circuit fault at the terminal of this device can result in severe stress. The opening of the device terminal results in a dual-branch parallel circuit in each phase (one RL and one RC), which disconnected from the line, and forms a series RLC circuit locally excited by two series voltage source converters (VSCs). This condition has high circulating current and overvoltage at the midpoint i.e., at the open-circuited terminal of the device. These may cause flashovers and serious damages to the device. In this research, a technique based on the discontinuous control of the device is proposed to overcome the mentioned problems. Based on the technique, the injected voltages of two VSCs are immediately reset to zero after an open-circuit fault so that the circulating current and consequently the overvoltage can be reduced. The evaluation of the proposed technique has been done through computer simulations in the Digsilent software environment and then analyzing the results in the form of a curve. In the following, the analysis and comparison of the results have shown that the proposed technique has high efficiency. It should be noted that this technique can be applied to all members of the UIPC family.
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