Self-respect, child's attitude towards parents and bullying in school students
Subject Areas : Educational Science
Masoumeh Moradyan
Farahnaz Kianersi
mahmmod najafi
1 - MA of Psychology, University of Semnan
2 - Former assistant professorpsychology department of Semnan University
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran
Keywords: self-respect, child's attitude towards parents, bullying, students of school,
Abstract :
Bullying is a form of low-level violence that has recently attracted the attention of school psychologists. The purpose of this descriptive study is to determine child's self-esteem and child’s attitude toward parents in forecasting the bullying of boys /girls students at Bojnourd city public high school at the last year (92-93). A number of 400 students (200 boys and 200 girls) were selected by using a sampling area and answered to the adolescent peer relations questionnaire testing paradigm in 2000, Self-esteem Assessment Test published by Rosenberg in 1965, and Child’s Attitude toward Parents Test published by Walter D. Hudson in 1976. The Spss 18 software for data analysis could be used on two levels; the descriptive statistics using statistical indicators mean and standard and inferential statistics using Pearson correlation and regression analysis results presented. According to the results, there is significant relation between bullying, victimization, self-esteem and child’s attitude toward parents. The self-esteem and the child’s attitude toward parents can predict the bullying the victimization. It is proposed to use functional and practical training to upgrade the knowledge of teachers, parents and other school authorities to this phenomenon (bullying) and to help the children in this regard.
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