Development and evolution of human resource agility model
Subject Areas : Sustainable DevelopmentAli Aali 1 , Mohammad Ziaaddini 2 , Mostafa Hadavinejad 3
1 - PhD student in Public Administration - Human Resources Management, Islamic Azad University, Rafsanjan Branch, Rafsanjan , Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Government Management , Management Department, Rafsanjan Unit, Islamic Azad University of Iran.Rafsanjan .Iran.
3 - Associate Professor of Management Department of Vali-e-Asr University Rafsanjan ,Iran.
Keywords: " antecedent", " macro antecedents", " microeconomic antecedents", " human resource agility",
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to develop and transform the manpower agility model with the help of fuzzy meta-analysis and fuzzy dimethyl method. Initially, using meta-analysis method, quantitative studies on human resource agility precedents were extracted and 35 models of human resource agility were identified. Then, these antecedents were compiled into 4 categories of macro antecedents, 19 categories of micro-antecedents and 50 components. Human resource antecedents include 23 components, job antecedents 4 components, organizational antecedents 11 components and managerial prerequisites 12 components. Managerial backgrounds oversee human infrastructure development, inhumane infrastructure development, and agility leadership. The comprehensiveness of the components in such a way that it includes all previous researches as well as the use of fuzzy meta-analysis and fuzzy dimtel research method are aspects of its innovation.Finally, using fuzzy dimethyl technique, it was found that the compatibility component is the most important and the passive component is the least important component of this study.
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