Land suitability analysis for temporary housing after Possible earthquake, case study of Lavasan city
Subject Areas : Life Space Journal
Rama GhalamborDezfooly
Zahra sadat Hayatgheibi
Zahra Farazandeh
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Pardis Branch, Islamic Azad University, Pardis, Iran.
2 - Master of Post Disaster Reconstruction, Pardis Branch, Islamic Azad University , Pardis, Iran.
3 - Master Student of Post Disaster Reconstruction, Pardis Branch, Islamic Azad University, Pardis, Iran.
Keywords: Earthquake, temporary housing, Land suitability analysis, Lavasan city,
Abstract :
The purpose of the current research is to analyze the suitability of land for temporary housing after a possible earthquake in Lavasan city. Earthquake is one of the most dangerous and harmful natural disasters of the present era, which has always shown its importance objectively. Earthquake is a natural disaster that, based on its magnitude, can cause huge disasters in a short period of time. Due to its location on two faults north of Tehran and the Masha fault, Lavasan is an earthquake-prone city, and preparations should be made for post-earthquake conditions in this city. Earthquake is a natural disaster that, based on its magnitude, can cause huge disasters in a short period of time.Considering that the main need of the earthquake victims is to have a shelter and it is not possible to provide suitable facilities for the earthquake victims quickly after the earthquake, it is necessary to From the occurrence of such crises, he provided suitable places for the victims of the earthquake. Appropriate temporary housing facilities protect earthquake victims from difficult environmental conditions, strengthen their sense of security and stability, and enable them to resume daily life and activities. Land suitability analysis is the process of determining the suitability of a certain piece of land for the allocation of a certain use. It is obvious that failure to comply with the land suitability analysis may lead to another disaster even far more serious than the initial disaster. The housing crisis is one of the inevitable consequences of the earthquake due to widespread destruction; Therefore, housing management is an important part in post-disaster conditions. According to the mentioned cases, land suitability analysis for temporary settlement after a possible earthquake in the cityLavasan using multi-criteria decision-making technique and GIS software, the current research is done.Determining the right place for the establishment of various urban uses depends on several factors, these factors are determined according to the nature and type of related user activity. Therefore, by considering the main features and characteristics that a suitable place for temporary housing should have, the influencing factors can be determined. After choosing the effective criteria and sub-criteria in land suitability analysis, in order to combine them with each other in the form of information layers, the weight of each of them should be determined according to their importance. Because some criteria are more important than other criteria and play a decisive role in land suitability analysis. The weight of each criterion indicates its importance and value compared to other criteria. The criteria studied in this research include:Natural factors include: fault, cause;Physical factors include: access to communication passages, bridges;Functional factors include: proximity to water sources, proximity to medical centers, proximity to firefighting centers.In this research, which is of a quantitative type, in addition to library surveys and the use of available sources, various maps have also been used. Criterion maps were classified according to the objectives and multi-criteria decision making method. After identifying the effective criteria in locating the temporary housing and preparing a hierarchy chart, the decision makers were asked to compare the criteria and express the relative importance of the elements using numbers, by evaluating the criteria and sub-criteria according to the weights. Obtained from pairwise comparison using the multi-criteria decision making technique, which is in the softwareExpertChoice has been loaded, The weight of each criterion using the toolRaster Calculator In the raster layer, each criterion is multiplied and their sum creates the final map. Finally, the extracted areas were divided into 9 categories (Unsuitable range in red, to completely suitable range in green), the green parts are suitable lands for temporary housing after the earthquake in this region.The eastern region of the studied area has better and more favorable conditions for the construction of temporary accommodation after the earthquake, which includes parks and stadiums.The use of GIS software along with the use of multi-criteria decision-making techniques can work well in the discussion of land suitability analysis and bring us to the final Target of the research; However, the more the number of research criteria and the smaller the research limitation, the more accurate results will be obtained.