The effect of virginity on the legal status of women
Subject Areas :
Woman and family
Mahmood Abedi Andrian
Hassan Pashazadeh
Naser Masoudi
1 - PhD student in Private Law, Faculty of Law, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran (Responsible Author).
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Received: 2022-11-01
Accepted : 2022-12-19
Published : 2024-02-20
but forced,
Abstract :
The effect of virginity on women's rights is one of the important issues of family law, which has not been comprehensively researched, and most of the legal writers have briefly mentioned the issue, but its importance is so great that none of the political, social, and philosophical schools have addressed it. They did not need it. The main debate is whether virginity limits women's rights or not? In this research, an attempt is made to examine jurisprudential and legal works in this field, and by considering all aspects of the matter, the effect of virginity and pregnancy on women's rights cannot be answered absolutely. Because there are more cases. Not only does virginity not limit a woman's rights, but her legal privileges are far more. Including; In case of not receiving the dowry and lack of empowerment, the female cannot claim alimony, and if she does, she is doomed to reject the claim, but a virgin woman, despite the lack of empowerment in these conditions, has the right to demand alimony, or divorce the female during menstruation and Nifas is not valid if the divorce of a virgin woman while menstruating is valid. Therefore, in general, virginity does not limit her rights in comparison with a female prostitute.
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